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Grinding, Squealing and Screeching: Interpreting the Noises Your HVAC Makes

If something is failing or going amiss with your HVAC unit, chances are, your HVAC unit is letting you know something is not quite right. However, most of the cues come in the form of sounds that many of us may overlook. If you hear your HVAC unit grinding, squealing, screeching or squeaking, it is letting you know it needs help. I was unaware of these cues and overlooked them. It ended up costing me a lot of money in repairs. I want to make sure that does not happen to other people, so I made this website. I hope you learn how to interpret the noises your HVAC unit is making so you can get it the repairs it needs before you incur a costly repair, or worse, permanently ruin your unit for good.

Grinding, Squealing and Screeching: Interpreting the Noises Your HVAC Makes

    Reasons Your AC Is Smelling Like Smoke

    An AC does not have an internal engine; hence there is no reason why you should experience a smell like smoke. Therefore, when you notice an acrid smell from your cooling system, there is an underlying defect. Since the issue may escalate into a system breakdown, it is advisable to engage an AC repair technician to inspect your unit. They will establish the cause of the smell and fix it to prevent costly repair and replacements arising from secondary damage.

    Why Shouldn't You Try To Solve Low Voltage HVAC Electrical Issues Yourself?

    Your home's HVAC system utilizes several electrical connections. Mains power, also known as supply voltage, comes from your home's service panel and supplies the electricity needed to run components such as the control board, AC compressor, furnace igniter, and so on. This supply typically comes in on a dedicated 220/240-volt line for central heating and air conditioning systems. However, your HVAC control board also supplies power to several other components in your system.

    AC Replacement: Why Upgrade To A Geothermal Air Conditioner

    A big part of going green is adopting sustainable residential systems that ensure you don't have to worry about replacement for a long time. Most of these systems leverage natural resources to add functionality and convenience to your residence.  A notable system fitting this description is a geothermal air conditioner; it absorbs latent heat from a residence's indoor spaces and deposits it into the ground. Essentially, it allows you to use your yard to cool your home during the summer months.

    Improve Air Quality with Better HVAC Maintenance

    Indoor air quality is so important for your overall quality of life. If you have allergies, then you rely on good air quality so you can breathe comfortably at home. Even without allergies, breathing in a lot of dusty, dirty, or really humid air is not enjoyable. There are lots of ways to improve air quality, from installing an air purifier to vacuuming more often. But simply maintaining your HVAC equipment can go a long way, too.

    Air Conditioning Repairs Needed When Your AC Blows A Fuse In The Disconnect Box

    When your air conditioner stops working, you might immediately start thinking about the major parts that go bad and how expensive the repairs could be. However, sometimes, problems with an AC are minor and relatively inexpensive to repair. An example is the fuse in your air conditioner. The fuse is a small, inexpensive part, but if a fuse blows, your AC won't get power, so it won't run. Here's some information about the fuse in your air conditioner and how an air conditioning repair technician can replace the fuse when it blows.

    How To Buy The Best HVAC System For Your Home

    A good HVAC system keeps you nice and warm in the winter and cool in the summer. However, choosing the perfect HVAC system for your needs takes a few steps. If you would like to know more, keep reading to see how you can find the right HVAC system. Consider the Size of Your Home Before you buy any HVAC system, make sure you know the size of your home so you can choose the right size of HVAC system.

    Worried About Future Heating Bills? 3 Points To Discuss With A Reputable Heating Contractor

    Rising costs for both home heating fuels and electricity are causing many homeowners to look for options that can help them reduce the amount of their future heating bills. While it is important to look at insulation levels, window quality, and other possible structure-related issues, homeowners who want to reduce the amount of heating fuel or electricity they need to heat their home may also want to discuss making some changes to their current heat source.

    Subtle Indicators That It Is Time To Call An Expert For AC Repair

    Air conditioning is an essential element of a building. The system keeps the air cool when it's properly running. Besides that, it removes any microscopic particles suspended in the air, such as soot, dust, and allergens. It also provides constant and adequate ventilation and maintains suitable indoor humidity levels.  On the other hand, a failing unit can lead to discomfort and significant health problems. Furthermore, failure to fix mechanical issues on time could result in expensive repairs or a replacement of the entire unit.