If something is failing or going amiss with your HVAC unit, chances are, your HVAC unit is letting you know something is not quite right. However, most of the cues come in the form of sounds that many of us may overlook. If you hear your HVAC unit grinding, squealing, screeching or squeaking, it is letting you know it needs help. I was unaware of these cues and overlooked them. It ended up costing me a lot of money in repairs. I want to make sure that does not happen to other people, so I made this website. I hope you learn how to interpret the noises your HVAC unit is making so you can get it the repairs it needs before you incur a costly repair, or worse, permanently ruin your unit for good.
When the winter months roll around, humidity levels tend to drop. Moisture just can't stay suspended in the cool outdoor air, and this means that the air inside your home tends to get dry, too. But whether or not this dryness is substantial enough to be an issue will depend on your situation. Here are some signs that your air really is too dry -- and that you need to have a humidifier installed to correct the issue.
Your skin is always dry.
If you're constantly slathering on moisturizers and using moisturizing soaps, but your skin is still dry and itchy, you may need to install a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Sometimes even sufferers of conditions like eczema and psoriasis find that their symptoms clear up in a more moist environment. So if you have a skin condition and your prescriptions alone don't seem to be fixing the issue, consider installing a humidifier.
There's a lot of static in the home.
Are you getting shocks when you walk across the carpet? Maybe you're experiencing static when you touch certain items in your home. Static is not just annoying; it can actually cause harm to electronics, and it can certainly bother pets. When moisture is added to the air, static tends to fade away.
You just can't keep up with the dust.
When the air is really dry, it's hard to remove dust from the air. This is because the dust, too, gets very dry and therefore floats around easily rather than settling on surfaces where you can wipe it up. When you add humidity to the air, some of the moisture attaches itself to the dust particles, causing them to fall out of the air and onto surfaces where you can wipe them up or vacuum them away.
You've had a lot of respiratory issues and allergies.
If you feel like you've been sneezing or coughing this winter, or if you just keep getting sick and you don't know why, it could be that the air in your home is too dry. Dry air irritates your respiratory tract. This irritation can make you more sensitive to allergens like dust and mold spores. It also makes you more susceptible to colds and the flu.
If you think you may need to install a humidifier in your home, contact local HVAC services. They can integrate a whole-home humidifier with your furnace so moisture is added to the air as it circulates through your home.