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Grinding, Squealing and Screeching: Interpreting the Noises Your HVAC Makes

If something is failing or going amiss with your HVAC unit, chances are, your HVAC unit is letting you know something is not quite right. However, most of the cues come in the form of sounds that many of us may overlook. If you hear your HVAC unit grinding, squealing, screeching or squeaking, it is letting you know it needs help. I was unaware of these cues and overlooked them. It ended up costing me a lot of money in repairs. I want to make sure that does not happen to other people, so I made this website. I hope you learn how to interpret the noises your HVAC unit is making so you can get it the repairs it needs before you incur a costly repair, or worse, permanently ruin your unit for good.

Grinding, Squealing and Screeching: Interpreting the Noises Your HVAC Makes

Three Signs That Your Home's Air Conditioning Needs Repair

by Billie Carlson

You and your family's comfort during the hot months of summer relies heavily upon the air conditioner in your home working effectively. When it's running properly, the AC will keep you cool and refreshed, regardless of the temperature outside. An air conditioner breakdown can force you to endure several days without comfort, especially if the needed repair is major and it takes your HVAC contractor a while to get the necessary repair parts. It's important to be able to assess the symptoms of a potential problem with your air conditioner so that a contractor, like the ones at Arlington Heating & Air Conditioning, can visit your home and repair the unit in a timely fashion. Here are three signs that the AC needs a repair.

Strange New Noises

You grow accustomed to the sound of your air conditioner humming along in the background, but it's important to always keep an ear out for the emergence of any changes in the system's sound. In particular, be aware of an air conditioner that begins running louder than usual. This is often symptomatic of an issue that your contractor will need to repair. In many cases, parts that loosen due to the A/C's vibration can generate noise that you can hear throughout your home when the unit is running. Having the contractor address the problem promptly can limit the risk of the issue worsening and leading to a hefty repair bill.

Shortage Of Cool Air

It's a concern when you realize that your air conditioner isn't cooling your home to the desired degree. It's often possible to detect this issue when you hear the unit running longer than usual but you don't see a corresponding drop in the temperature. An air conditioner that has stopped cooling your home could be facing a variety of different issues, from something simple such as needing a top-up of the coolant to something major such as a breakdown of the condenser motor. Either way, it's beneficial to have your contractor diagnose the problem as soon as possible.

Constant Running

Your air conditioner is designed to run until your home reaches the desired temperature and then shut off. If you notice that it's running around the clock, regardless of the temperature output, it's often a sign that there's an issue with the unit's thermostat. With this problem, the air conditioner isn't getting the "message" that the temperature in your home has reached the desired level and, as such, won't shut off. A contractor can quickly replace the thermostat to avoid unnecessary wear on the A/C itself.
