If something is failing or going amiss with your HVAC unit, chances are, your HVAC unit is letting you know something is not quite right. However, most of the cues come in the form of sounds that many of us may overlook. If you hear your HVAC unit grinding, squealing, screeching or squeaking, it is letting you know it needs help. I was unaware of these cues and overlooked them. It ended up costing me a lot of money in repairs. I want to make sure that does not happen to other people, so I made this website. I hope you learn how to interpret the noises your HVAC unit is making so you can get it the repairs it needs before you incur a costly repair, or worse, permanently ruin your unit for good.
When you are trying to keep your house cool in the summer months, you'll find that the upstairs is going to be the most difficult part to keep at a comfortable temperature. Since heat rises, any heat that does come into your home is going to pool in the upstairs rooms and hallways. Also, the upstairs is the closest to your roof and the roof will take on a lot of heat from the sun. This article will provide you with helpful tips to keep the upper level of your home cool.
Shut the attic access panels tightly
The first thing you want to do is make sure the heat in the attic isn't pouring into the upper level of your home. Check all attic accesses and make sure they are shut tightly. If any of the panels are damaged, you want to have them repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
Have double paned windows installed
A lot of heat can pour in through thin glass windows, making your home much hotter and costing you more on your energy bills. Having double paned windows installed in your home will help keep it cooler, especially in those upstairs rooms.
Apply tinting to the windows
Tint will help to keep the heat of the sun from penetrating through the windows. It will be especially helpful to have tinting applied to any windows in your home that get a lot of direct sunlight. Tinting the windows will also help prevent your flooring and furniture from getting sun bleached over time in those very bright rooms.
Force the cool air up
Since the hot air is going to want to rise and the cool air will want to stay downstairs, you may have to force the cool air up. Put a strong fan at the base of your staircase pointing toward the upper level. At the top of the stairs, you should have a second fan that rotates. This will help push and pull the cool air up, as well as disperse it.
Keeping your air conditioner well-maintained will also help you to cool your home completely and efficiently. This is why you want to make sure it is serviced annually. One thing you don't want to do is to shut downstairs vents hoping it will bring more air upstairs. This can lead to your system becoming imbalanced. Of course, it's always good to have a good, functioning HVAC system as well. Contact Long Beach Heating & Air Conditioning Inc for information about an AC system for your home.